Research 1
AAAIMS.ORG intends to sponsor research in problems affecting African Americans. It intends to help people having problems get jobs, medical help, drug treatment by understanding the true nature of their experiences.
One of the problems facing African Americans is what party they vote for. Majority and overwhelming number of African Americans vote for Democrats. There is no problem voting your choice but however, these people failed for many years to ask for their needs to be met. So, for many generations, they received nothing in return. This neglect by the Democratic Party has caused loss of commerce in black neighborhoods. Overwhelming majority of African Americans do not have jobs, many resulted in committing crimes, many fell prey to addiction and suffered from mental illnesses. Majority fell into hardships resulting in divorces and homelessness. These are profound problems that need answers from government, nonprofit organizations and people affected. All have to work together to provide answers to these problems.
The research will identify the real issues. AAAIMS.ORG does not engage in any political activities. AAAIMS.ORG however will seek funding to address this issue of black Votes.

The Black Votes: The Black Agenda
Written by Dr. Igein
American is the land of opportunities. With a 3 trillion dollars budget, America stands alone as the world’s super power, economically and militarily. Many races benefited from all the opportunities America provided. However, African Americans fall short in all opportunities. African Americans continue to be vilified, disparaged and underserved in many psychological, economical, mental health, and infrastructural constructs. We remain the less achieving class when it comes to education. Our neighborhoods are the highest crime ridden locations in the country. We are the most brutalized group of people when anyone mentions Police Brutality. Unemployment amongst African Americans is the highest in America. Overwhelming majority of African Americans cannot afford healthcare. We have been promised reparations but nobody has addressed how to deliver this much-needed opportunity to us. 1 in 3 of our people are incarcerated and/or about to be incarcerated. Food Stamps, a means that many of us use to provide food for our families have been a talk of lawmakers to reduce our participation. Programs that will improve our bottom lines have been cut without real sustainable solutions. If these continue, we’ll be extinct in about 20 years.
Null Hypothesis, H0: There is no significant gain if African Americans become Independents.
Alternative Hypothesis H1: There is double digit gain in all social, economic, psychological and mental health constructs if African Americans use their votes as Independents and demand opportunities to their neighborhoods.
African Americans should become INDEPENDENTS. We cannot continue to waste our votes on any party that makes promises and never delivers. We are going to ask every Presidential candidate to address our issues, and sign an agreement called THE BLACK AGENDA.
Effect of Film, Music and STEM education on the lives of young adults.
Null Hypothesis: There is no change after students complete Film Production, Music and STEM education.
Alternative Hypothesis: There are significant gains after students complete Film Production and STEM education.
AAAIMS.ORG intends to conduct research on this pressing topic for our donors. Our donors will gain insight to the advantages of

The effects of Pandemic Coronavirus and Social Isolation on a population of African Americans that have historically underperformed in all Psychosocial Constructs
AAAIMS.ORG intends to conduct research to help bring attention to the plight of African Americans after the Coronavirus pandemic and social isolation.
AAAIMS.ORG realizes that many African Americans are riddled with problems, especially housing. Rents continue to go up while income is tumbling backwards.

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African American and African Improvement Movement Society (AAAIMS) is a nonprofit that engages in research, and uses film production to improve the lives of African Americans and Africans.